Learn how EZODIAC x ESTARZ works
We try to answer all your questions here. Please give us feedback so that we can complete open, important questions here.
How to get started?
Start in three steps and get your EZODIAC. At the bottom of the home page you will find all the information. Get the Maiar Wallet, register and buy an EZODIAC and get an ESTARZ automatically. (Be careful, it's very rare and it's getting less and less)
Who are Elrond Zodiac?
Elrond Zodiacs are 11’111 mystical and unique NFT on the Elrond Blockchain! They are all uniquely generated collectible NFTs, each with its own loveable features!
How to make an exchange?
Coming soon
How many eZodiacs are floating trough the universe?
A total of 11'111 eZodiac are available. A maximum of 25 eZodiacs can be purchased per wallet.
How much does one eZodiac cost?
Price will be chosen a few days before minting goes live depending on EGLD price. Since the presale price was 0.5 EGLD it will be above it.During the minting phase, the price is increased every 1111 steps.
Cash Back x ESTARZ
Each holder of an NFT EZODIAC receives an ESTARZ token. In the process, 60% flows back into the token. In addition, with each resale of a NFT, 5% goes into the DAO TOKEN Estarz and 1% is burned. Learn more in our whitepaper.
Mint is over, how can I buy an eZodiac ?
If the Maiar NFT marketplace is already online when the minting starts, you will be able to buy and sell eZodiacs there. If it is not live yet, an alternative will be available planned are XOXNO (ex, trust.market), Isengard.market & deadrare.io.
To which charities will the funds be donated ?
The aim of our donation is to help women and children. Current organization that is supported is: www.amnesty.ch
How do we communicate?
You can find all our official links here: linktr.ee/ezodiac Note: Not all channels are up and running yet.
How do we update our roadmap?
We will keep our mystical and unique NFT community updated on our schedule. Important updates will be released every new moon. On every full moon we will burn the accumulated 1% of royalities.